Appareden -The Sacrosanct Dragon- (あっぱれ伝-伏龍の章-)

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Appareden: The Sacrosanct Dragon Lite (Patcher Only) v0.9.9.1 – zip – 428 download(s) – 7 MB Appareden: The Sacrosanct Dragon Mac/Linux Patches v0.9.9 – zip – 171 download(s) – 722 KB

Patches are provided in xdelta format for Mac/Linux users, and as an all-in-one patcher executable for Windows users.

We recommend the np21x64w.exe executable of Neko Project II/W for emulation. See our PC-98 Emulation guide for more details.

Common Issues

  • Save often! Appareden is known to crash (in both English and Japanese), so make sure you save regularly.
  • No CD audio? Check that you are using the CD-HDI patched image in Harddisk in IDE #0, as well as the CD image (usually an CCD file) in Harddisk in IDE #2. A common issue in disk images of this game include incorrectly configured DOS. To fix this, change the following line in your CONFIG.SYS: DEVICEHIGH=A:\TOOLS\NECCDD.SYS /D:CD_101 to DEVICEHIGH=A:\TOOLS\NECCDM.SYS /D:CD_101. You will need to use software such as ND or EditDisk to modify your image directly to do this.
  • Some of the issues we’ve noticed so far: A graphic tileset issue which can make certain abilities glitch out, some dialog re-write over text and make parts not legible, one issue that can soft-lock when using abilities like Keystone, one issue that can soft-lock the game at the end of the game.
  • Need to saves to an updated version? You will need to use software such as ND or EditDisk to open the old image under the save in \TGL\OR at APPARE0#.SAV, then copy these into the new image in the same place.


Done: Mapping, Dumping, ASCII Text Display ASM, Text Compression ASM, GEM Image Encoder, Draft Translation, Playtesting, CD Version Reinsertion, Consistency Revisions, Image Edits, Proofreading

In Progress: Trailer, Manual Scanlation, (Fan Dub?)

About Game

Appareden: The Sacrosanct Dragon (Appareden -Fukuryuu no Shou-) is an RPG from the later stages of the PC-98’s life cycle released in 1995 by TGL, the same developers who released the Farland Story series of games that were among some of the first translated PC-98 games. It features a nicely animated battle system, and a story rich with history and lore from Japan’s past.

The game takes place on the Japanese islands and stars Gento, a not-too-bright swordsman who will do anything so long as he gets paid, and his talking cat monster companion, Benimaru. They are given a scroll by a dying samurai and told to deliver it to Edo, but find themselves in the middle of plots to take over the world!

About Project

This project has more text and image edits than E.V.O., Rusty, and CRW combined, and has a manual and art book we also plan on translating. So we’ll be taking our time with this one.

There’s so much text to fit and very little space, so we’re reinserting compressed text and added a decompression routine to the game’s text display code.

One thing to mention that is pretty neat, we managed to track down the patch for Appareden that fixes a bunch of bugs in the game itself. This means that when we release our translation patch for the game, it will also include the patch to the latest version and fix a lot of bugs. Shout out to kobushi over at Tokugawa Corp for getting us the patch files!


Geezer Hut
Opening Dialogue
Battle with Masamune
Meiling Status

Audio Dramas

The CD version also came with a full set of audio dramas on them. Unfortunately, translating this came with a few too many issues. The best result would be to have taken fandubs and put our own works into the game. Maybe we will do that later, but it was a bit beyond what we wanted to do on the game currently. We were also not planning to build a full subtitle engine to allow them working in the game. This is still a PC-98 game, after all. So, our idea? Well, we just put them on YouTube for you guys to read them as you play during the game. I’ve put in all five of them below here.

Appareden CD Audio Drama – Part 1
Appareden CD Audio Drama – Part 2
Appareden CD Audio Drama – Part 3
Appareden CD Audio Drama – Part 4
Appareden CD Audio Drama – Part 5

 Maybe we’ll go back to that fandub idea later, but we’ll see.


hollowaytape – Hacking
kuoushi – Translation, Editing
SkyeWelse – Graphics
not_log – Manual Scanlation
Inuchiyo – Poem Transcription and Translation Help
tcaud – Special Thanks